Had a house full of people over the Christmas and New years week. Some were sick and some were sicker than others. Two ended up at the Dr.s office with upper respiratory infections, ear infections and just the plain ole yukky's. That's no way to spend a vacation!!!! One of the stewardesses on Aprils first flight was visibly ill and had no business working that day, but there she was, spreading her germs all over the country. Thank God that Andrea, being 6 months pregnant, didn't catch anything. We learned after everybody went home that the kids were exposed to strep throat. I don't think anybody carried that home with them.
The day the last ones left for home I also left on a run to Florida. Thinking it was going to be warm when I got there, I was sadly disappointed, and woke up to 18 cold degrees on Tuesday morning in St.Augustine Florida. I want spring now !!!!! I got back this morning and found it was actually warmer here than it was down south. I turned in my nice warm truck and drove my cold cold car home and still haven't warmed up. Did I mention I am ready for spring???
Thanks for a nice Christmas get to gether. I liked your new look, open and airy. Just trying this puter out again.
Glad to see you finally got that run to FL. :) Hope everyone is feeling better by now. We have had some flu/virus going around here too. Dad and I are both still coughing.
Thanks for your note. I think of you all often also. I was glad that Mom had gotten to spend some time with you all these last few summers. Love you all, too.
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