Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Had quite a scare today, turned out to be nothing much.G called me at 3:30 ( I was in Charleston W.V. on my way back from N.J) and said he did not go to school today because last night he slipped and fell on the kitchen floor and busted his chin open. He said there was blood all over the place and he didn't know if it was ever going to stop bleeding, said he thought he needed stitches. So he didn't go to school because it was hard to talk and he was scared to have people ask him what happened while I wasn't here. WELL, those last 4 hours it took me to drive home I imagined the worst. As I could see it there was a 4 inch long and a 1/2 inch deep gash in his chin that needed at least 20 stitches. I just knew I was going to walk in to find his clothes soaked in blood and a pool on the floor that still needed to be cleaned up. Since I drove the truck home instead of going to Louisville to get my car,( it would have taken an hour longer), I was trying to decide which one of the neighbors I was going to have to pay to take us to the ER. I could see a long painful night ahead of us. But, when I got here, I almost laughed with relief at the 1/4 inch split in the chin of my 15 year old baby boy, so worried about a scar. No blood on the floor or his clothes and he only used toilet paper to clean up his face. Talk about a fish story. No doubt he was scared, he has always disliked the sight of blood, but I'm wondering if he didn't cry wolf just a bit too loud. He sure knows how to cause me more grey hair. Good thing my truck wouldn't go any faster than 70, it would have been embarrassing to get a police escort home to find a calm kid with a scratch on his chin.I know some day it will be funny but not tonight!!


Farm Girl said...

Oh, dear, that made me laugh! But that would have surely scared me silly too! I ALWAYS tend to imagine the worse, then to have it be something like that, the relief would have made me quite upset at him, or anyone else that cried 'wolfe' a bit too loud!

So glad he (and you) are both alright! Whew!

Jeanie said...

So glad that it was small and you all didn't have to go to the ER after all. :) Hope he understands the differance now and won't cause any more gray hairs. Glad you didn't get hurt rushing home to him like that.