Saturday, April 19, 2008

Shoefly pie

Funny how some of the words are transcribed on the Jott network. Shoesaw pie, was shoefly pie and it wasn't anything like a shoefly pie. No syrup on the bottom and crumbs on the top, just a cake like consistency all the way down. No molasses although he said it was molasses, it tasted just like Karo syrup cake. YUKKK.
I'm so glad to be back to my little country town. I really don't like NY city with a fierce passion. Jott said "I would live there for money, but I said, "I would not". Because the Pope was there yesterday it actually took me 2 hours to drive 5 blocks., no other way around just had to endure. I had a massive headache from all the exhaust and the horn honking, then the Holland Tunnel and when I woke up this morning my clutch ankle was so stiff that I could hardly move it. It pained me all the way home, I tried to shift without the clutch and was only successful about half the time.


Farm Girl said...

Tell your boss, that you are allergic to New York City!! I would hate to have to drive there, even visit there, when there wasn't anything special going on!! Glad you are back, Yea for little country towns!!!! I'll take one anytime too!

Farm Girl said...

P.S. And I realized after reading it a couple of times, that you meant 'Shoofly Pie'!!

Jeanie said...

The next time you are there tell that guy you want your money back for that nasty Karo pie! LOL Never know, he might at least give you something in return.

Have only driven through NYC on the way to up state NY where my niece lives. That was enough for me! I feel for you.

We had a lot of rain here the past week also. Have really enjoyed the past couple of dry days to say the least. Temps in the 80's too. Took a short spin this afternoon before it started to rain...again. ;) Had to work on the battery, as it wouldn't start yesterday when I wanted to go for a long ride.