Thursday, August 02, 2007

More grandbabies

Well, Andrea called me Sunday and said they are expecting another bundle of joy. She just did the test and was in tears of joy. They had been trying to get pg in July so the new baby wouldnt have its birthday in the same month as Destiny's. They barely made it, but I think she was pregnant when April was ther cause April said that Andrea was a bear and Cody couldnt seem to do anything right. Hormones, ya know.
Cody is hoping for twin boys, silly silly man!!! He really doesnt know what trouble he is wishing for.

Soooooooooo, I've lost 37 pounds now and finally people are begining to notice and say something. I still have 30 pounds to go. My Dr. took me off all blood pressure meds, and was so shocked with the weight loss that she didnt know what to say. BP was 116/69.


Farm Girl said...

TWIN BOYS???? Silly man, he doesn't know what he is saying, for sure! But I do hope he gets his one son!

Hey, you go girl! You are doing so great! Woo hoo, feels nice when someone else notices too. What a boost! Love you!

mom said...

So now I won't reconize you if I see you in the store some where I saw Sharon standing at the counter and didn't recognize her ,,,.../// MY OWN KID !!!! Bless you Keep going.....I know you feel GREAT........MOM

Jeanie said...

Double trouble, huh? LOL

Nice feeling to shock your doctor, of all people! Way to go! Know you won't miss taking those BP meds. Good for you.

You and Sharon will have to fill me in on this plan, when I come to IN later this month. I need help also!!