Sunday, May 20, 2007

I got the shock of a lifetime this morning when I stepped on the scales. I have been really trying to eat "on plan" just by the sheet big sis sent me to get started with. Naturally everything I had in the house to eat was the wrong thing, it either contained salt or sugar or both. So I did a little purging and discovered I had to go shopping, but, I didn't have time so for the three days I was gone I did the best I could and ate what I had that was as close to right as I could get. I didn't drink much water cause I would have to stop every 15 minutes to ( well, you know). So I figured at least I wont gain weight and my heart will be healthier without all the naughty foods.
But, shock upon shock I had lost 3, yes, THREE pounds in three days, and I ate all day long, go figure!!!!! This time it was not from being sick, just from being sick and tired of being fat and tired all the time.
Today foe lunch I made "Crock pot Swiss Steak" with potatoes and carrots and a salad. Recipe on the recipe exchange. Man was it good and even Danielle and Greg liked it. David is gone this weekend on drill duty. I have enough left over to eat on three or four days. I AM SOOOO SYKED. SIZE 8 , I AM ON MY WAY.

1 comment:

Farm Girl said...

Wow! Oh Wow! Now you got me all excited too! Just one teeeny little thing! Pick a day and only weigh once a week! Then you will be even more surprised! Why, because most of the time your weight goes up and down. It would be too bad if it went up on one particular day that you weighed on and you would be so down about it. Please, just do it once a week!
You go girl, I'm rootin' for ya!!!!