Friday, September 14, 2007

Guess its about timeI update too, since everybody else is. Actually this is the first time Ive even seen the computer in two weeks. Ive gone from Olyphant, Pa. to home then back to Hershey,Pa. to Mckinney,Tx. to Detroit, Mi. to Oklahoma City, Ok. with hardly even a 10 hour break in between runs. I was supposed to go to Ga. in the morning but I begged off for the weekend and will leave again Sunday night for Metairie, La. and be back Monday night. We have been covered up with freight and we have to get it while the gettin is good( cause it aint always like this). Its a good thing I had a lot of stuff cooked up and in the freezer cause I would have been hard pressed to find time to cook or eat. Ive only lost 1 pound a week because I cannot drink all my water and run that hard. So after Daniells yard sale in the morning I will be cooking to replenish my stock.
Nothing much is happening in my neck of the woods except, the laundry continues to pile up, the grass continues to grow and the sink is never void of dirty dishes. The cat wants attention, the bills still need paid, the floor needs swept and the windows need washed, and on and on and on and on. How do I get it all done, you ask? Well, I dont, it will all be there when I finally get to it. Its not going anywhere and I am in no hurry.
On my way to Oklahoma City and back I watched three beautiful sunrises and was amazed at how fast we rush through life and never take the time to even see the beauty that God put all around us. I am thankful that God chose to show me His handiwork in a spectacular sunrise , not just once or twice but three days in a row.


Farm Girl said...

It was also a shock to see you here again! Now I know why, you are running your wheels off! Glad you are getting some much needed runs, but enough is enough, right! Yeah, all that dirty stuff will wait for you. I wish it would wash itself! He He!

Love those beautiful sunsets! I think God must love color and beauty too!

Jeanie said...

Yes, the little cleaning elves don't come to my house either. LOL After cleaning other people's houses, I'm not in the mood to clean my own. ;) Glad you are getting lots of work, so those bills can get paid eventually. It is hard to catch up when you get behind on them. Good to hear from you! So sorry that we missed seeing you. Wish I had known that everyone was coming over that Sunday, we could have come on back from Roger's sooner. Take care. xox