Thursday, March 06, 2008

Well I kinda got my dates cornfuzed.. Jeana is due sometime in October (duh). I guess I was just excited to get it straight. I plan on taking my two week vacation in December this year and going to Alaska, so any one want to go with me???? Greg will go of course and maybe one of Jeana's friends from church. I will tell her congrats from you all.
Jeanie I had one trip south, Houston TX. actually and it was 72 degrees there and 7 degrees here when I left. I brought back a whole truck load of warm air but somehow it all leaked out before I got back. Ill have to have that leak checked out because I sure don't want that happening again. I came home from there last Friday and heard that TX had an ice storm over the weekend. I'm sure glad I escaped that one. Was in New Jersey earlier this week and it rained the entire way there and back. I took off today tomorrow and the weekend, just needed some home time and it sure feels good to sleep in a bed that isn't surrounded by air brakes popping off all night long. Most of the time I don't even hear it, but occasionally I happen to park beside a truck that seriously needs to have a muffler on the break system. I've only had to deal with bad bad weather one time this winter and I was only grounded for an extra 6 hours, which I spent catching up on some much needed sleep.

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

Guess there isn't any safe direction to head in this crazy weather after all! Good to hear from you. :) Yes, down time is a must to recharge our batteries. I think mine needs to be replaced, as I feel the need to recharge too often. ;) Love ya!