Ya know that ancient proverb "when it rains it pours" or the one about "Murphy", ? Well I'm so glad I have "Murphy Insurance".. cause he came knocking , the unwelcome stinker. But, I have an emergency fund and I'm going to beat him up with it!!!!
By the time I got home from Ind. yesterday I had used 1/4 tank of gas. So I got on the phone and started calling people I thought would help. Sure enough the gas line was the problem, but even bigger problems were to come. None of the parts houses carry the part I need and being Sunday evening on one knew where to find the part. So here it is Monday morning and my car sits in the driveway without two of its three gas lines and I am stuck until...........?Maybe it can be ordered from a dealer.....?How long will that take....? One of these days I will own a New car.
For now I need a horse and buggy or some roller skates. They get excellent gas millage don't they?
So sorry for your troubles. Horse and buggy-will take you a week to get there, and roller skates? even longer! With roller skates, you might develop some nice let muscles!
Any success with your car yet?
Sure was nice to see you on Sunday.
On my trip to Richmond last Tuesday, I saw several new/newer looking autos sitting beside the road! As I was thinking like you...new car should mean less breakdowns? Right?! I'm having ABS (anti-braking system) issues with my van now that I just bought brand new tires all around for it, at $87 a pop. Tires=petrol product=$$$ Anyway, now I'm riding down the road thinking that I don't have a monthly payment, sky high insurance and higher personal property taxes to pay either. Think I'll get that ABS thing fixed instead. ;) And while their at it, check to see why it cranks and cranks when the engine is warm before it will start. *sigh* Glad to hear that it was a simple fix, maybe mine will be too! :) Hang in there.
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