Sunday, August 17, 2008

This is my Birthday Apple Fruitata, a bit tart but the very expensive icecream I had with it balanced it real good.
Birthday flowers I bought for myself. Some times you just have to party all by your self.

My apples, 3-4 have been picked from this cluster already.


Ruth said...

Well,happy birthday! I did tell you happy birthday on your myspace page, don't know if you saw it or not. Pretty flowers. Maybe that is what I need to do sometime, by me some flowers.

Farm Girl said...

So sorry you had to bake your own birthday dessert! It sure looks tasty!
Those are 'some' apples! Loads of them! Hope you had a nice birthday!

mom said...

Your flowers are very pretty, and your apple pie looks yummy Wish I could have come and had a cup of coffee and a bite of pie and ice cream ....MOMMY

Jeanie said...

Happy belated Birthday! Don't know why but I'm missing your BD and Mom's on my calendar. Was Mom's on the 10th or was that just when you all could get together?