Saturday, May 19, 2007

New Jersy is not one of my favorite places to go but it was worth 1400 miles and my company just picked up 2-3 runs a week there so I guess Ill be going back soon. Did you know there is as much traffic at 6:15 on a Saterday morning as there is at 5:00 pm on Fridays in Baltimoer Md.?
What a nightmare, you couldnt pay me to live any where close to Baltimore Md. or Washington DC. and have to contend with that every day. Its no wonder people are stressed out. One thing that keeps me sane in those situtations is knowing that I am only passing thru and tomorrow I will be back to greener pastures.


mom said...

I know what you mean DADDY

Farm Girl said...

Yikes! Sounds like a icky place to have to live. Like you, I'm glad to live where it is relatively quiet and stressful.

You 'truckers' have it easy, just passing through.

So glad to hear you are on your way to a much slimmer you!! you go girl!

mom said...

quiet and STRESSFUL.......???????? mom